A very warm welcome to
Stepping Stones Counselling and Psychotherapy Limited
Welcome to our website!
I am delighted you have clicked onto to our webpage, and hope that you will find all the information you are looking for, as you consider commencing your therapeutic journey with us.
I formed Stepping Stones in 2017, to provide low cost counselling for serving 999 and NHS personnel. Since this point the service has expanded to become a large team of therapists and, in 2024, I relaunched us to provide low cost counselling for everyone, including for those seeking trauma informed counselling and couples counselling. Fees for counselling are escalating at an alarming rate, and feedback we have received is that many people who might consider attending therapy feel unable to do so due to being unable to afford sessions.
I therefore took the decision that, at Stepping Stones, we would ONLY provide low cost counselling, for everyone.
Our main ethos at Stepping Stones is to support the reduction of stigma connected to mental health difficulties and to promote improving mental wellbeing across the generations. I am committed to providing quality counselling that is accessible for as many people as possible, and have formed an in-house team who are as committed to this as I am. I want your journey through therapy to be as stream less as possible, in order that all you need to focus on is attending sessions and engaging in the process.
Our team are formed of therapists who are in the process of completing their qualifying training (we call them Placement Counsellors), and are each fully supported by one of our Supervisors, who are all experienced Counsellors. We work closely with a range of training colleges to ensure we only bring the best students into our practice, and we have a thorough interview, vetting and induction process which enables us to check, double check and triple check that this is the case.
Trauma therapy and couples sessions are delivered by qualified, experienced counsellors who have undertaken additional, specialist trauma training. As the Consultant Psychotherapist, I carry a small caseload of clients for trauma therapy and couples counselling clients to maintain a presence in the service as well as to actively review our processes, and ensure the quality of our provision which is always best achieved by being a part of the team.
As a UKCP accredited Psychotherapist, I oversee the whole team and meet with them all regularly to ensure the highest standards are maintained. I also supervise our team of supervisors and assessors.
Below, you will see some of the many testimonials we have received over
the years, regarding the work of our team. We share these with full
permission in the hope that these give you an insight of the benefits
connected to attending counselling, both in terms of choosing a Stepping
Stones therapist but also more generally to share that therapy can be a true-life
changer, and - from our experience - has been, for many, many people.
We update the website regularly and seek to provide helpful contacts and information around well-being along the way. Therefore,please do come back as and when you can to benefit from this. If you find the information useful, why not share our details with friends, family,colleagues and acquaintances alike, too?
If you have any questions remaining, at any stage, please do
not hesitate to contact our admin team, who will be more than happy to
help find the answers you are seeking.
With my warmest wishes,
Rebekah Jones
Managing Director and Founder of Stepping Stones
Consultant Psychotherapist and Senior Clinical Supervisor
UKCP / UPCA Registered Clinical Psychotherapist, Certified EMDR Therapist,
Couples Therapist, CISM Practitioner, ATICP Registered Trauma Therapist,
EFT Therapist, ACT Therapist, Mindful Meditation Instructor,
Doctoral Student (Psychodynamic Psychotherapy – University of Essex),
Honorary Fellow (Psychiatry) – UCL
The following testimonials are shared with the creator's permission. Identities have also been changed.
"To put it simply, you saved my life, Rebekah. I was totally lost and saw no way forwards, but you came along and helped me to work through the trauma, and to find the real me I had buried deep inside. I can never thank you enough."

Previous client
"I can see the tension has disappeared from her face, she has returned to being a little girl again. Thank you so much Fiona, you have made a massive difference."

Previous client's family member
"The thing I love most about Stepping Stones is that every single person I have had contact with from there is kind, supportive and interested in how best they can support me. Also, I had my assessment and therapy in place really quickly, and that has made a huge difference to me."

Previous client
"I really can't believe how easy it was to start therapy. I had dreaded the assessment, other colleagues had waited weeks and weeks from another service, but I was contacted within 24 hours and was having my assessment a week later.
Therapy with Jo has been really, really helpful. Now I feel ready to get back to work, as I feel much stronger. Thank you all so much for being there for us."

Previous client
"I never for a minute thought EMDR would achieve what it has for me. I walked into that assessment a broken man, and after only a few sessions, I feel like I can finally sleep again. The nightmares have stopped, the sadness is vastly improved. It has been amazing, thank you Rebekah!"

Previous client
"When you work in the emergency services, you have to be tough and that uniform becomes your armour. The thing is, underneath I was totally overwhelmed and I realise now that I wasn't coping long before I couldn't get through the shifts anymore. Being honest and seeking help was the best thing I ever did, but Rebekah made that so much easier. Your understanding of 999 workers is incredible, and I know that so many of us owe you everything."

Previous client
" As a student who has been trained by Rebekah and the team at Stepping Stones, I consider myself hugely lucky. Not only is it an incredible organisation, but I get paid to be on placement and receive regular - exemplary - supervision. Wow, wow, wow!"

Previous therapist in training
"Stepping Stones is a warm and welcoming place which everyone needs a piece of. It is as simple as that."

Previous client
"Stepping Stones premises just gives out a feeling that makes me feel really at ease. I wasn't sure what to expect and soon realised that being in therapy would be OK. The team are amazing."

Previous client
" Never, ever, did I think I would be dry., and definitely not for this long That is something I would have laughed at if someone had told me.
But I am, and I am so much better for it. My life has been transformed. Thank you, thank you so much."

Previous client
"Stepping Stones is one of those services where I felt like someone was finally listening to me, Nothing is too much trouble, and every single person is kind and understanding. An incredible organisation."

Previous client
"I have worked with so many mental health professionals in my life, and have never felt more supported than I have with Rebekah. Boy did I give you a hard time to begin with, and yet that didn't phase you and you welcomed me back each time with the same warmth that has been there since the start.
My life over these 5 years has changed so much, and the sessions with you has been a massive part of that. Thank you, for everything."

Previous client